1. Discover

Let’s have a conservation about your business’s pain points. No pressure; we’re consultants not salesmen.

  1. Get-to-know-you call.
  2. No obligation, completely free.

2. Design

Now we’re ready to dive deep into your operations. If Discover is like flying at 30,000 feet, the Design is like walking the job site along side you. We’ll chart a map to success that includes every last detail.

  1. Full audit of your technology stack.
  2. User interviews.
  3. Project Roadmap: wireframes, requirements docs, prototypes, etc.

3. Build

Now that we have our blueprint, it’s time to build. We are partners to our clients – we are in this for the long haul with you, maintaining and improving your app down the road as needed.

  1. Execute the plan.
  2. Ongoing maintenance and service.
  3. You own the code, so your team will be enabled to work on it.
  4. Your team will be empowered to do its best work.
  5. Your technology will work for you, not against you.